Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of 8/25/09

Amended and Approved on 10/14/09


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow - Chair  

Jane Desberg 

Meredith de Carbonnel

Susan Rich  

Allen Garf



Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM and provided the CPC with an updated CPA debt status. He defined in clear detail, a summary of the short term bond holdings and associated interest. He stated he met with Bill Fowler and provided him with action items needed to clarify the CPC records. He also provided a Glenview/Billings debt profile as well with to do items for Bill Fowler as well as the CPC. 


Mr. Snow stated that if the CPC approved all projects set before them already and no others, there would be in excess of $400,000 carried over from fiscal 2009 and 2010. This would help to make a dent in the $650,000 debt that is currently held. Additionally, he stated all debt could be closed out if funds from fiscal 2010 were used.  After Town Meeting, the issue needs to be revisited when Accounting reworks the numbers. The Committee should at that time vote to write an official letter to the Town Treasurer with instructions on official documentation.


Library Project - #19

Ms. Desberg contacted the Community Preservation Coalition to determine if the inside work to the vestibule, requested within the library proposal, falls under Community Preservation. She stated that working on the interior would be just as appropriate as the exterior work to be covered. The integrity of the property remains and there is no reason why the inside would not be appropriate as well.


Chair Snow stated that we are displacing a capital outlay project for a lesser dollar value with a project that is more costly and this will need to be explained. The merits of the project are left to the proponent to explain at Town Meeting.


Mr. Garf moved to recommend to Town Meeting, approval for up to $32,650 for the library restoration and renovation work on the entryway as described in Library Project #19. Ms. Desberg seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Historic Inventory Project #20

Mr. Garf moved to recommend up to $25,000 to fund a phase II of the Historical properties inventory also known as project #20. Ms. de Carbonnel seconded the motion. The Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Housing Partnership Project #21

Ms. Desberg provided the Committee with a quick update on the project status. She spoke with Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain, regarding the Town of Walpole’s involvement in this project. She stated the only reason they need to be involved is because of the curb cut. The groundwater issued is resolved by the ZBA and Board of Health. She provided the Committee with a map of the area and described the properties and layout of potential homes to be considered.


Mr. Garf moved to recommend to Town Meeting, the Sharon Housing Partnership Project #21 for up to $47,500 for a feasibility study that includes; 1. A preliminary site assessment, 2. A development analysis and 3. A request for preparation of the proposal.  This is contingent on Town Meeting taking action to unencumber the parcel from the county or removal of any other encumbrances that would limit the development of the parcel for housing purposes. At any time the project is not feasible, it will cease and no further CPA funds will be expended.


Ms. Rich seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Desberg moved to accept the minutes of 8/19/09 as corrected. Ms. Rich seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Other Business

1. Mr. Snow and Ms. Desberg will speak to the FinComm on 9/14 at 7:30 PM regarding the Sharon Housing Partnership.

2.  Ms. Desberg contacted the Community Preservation Coalition regarding what to do if a member is not assigned from the Planning Board and it was determined that it has to be a member of that Board or they are not represented.  


Next Meeting Dates

9/24 – start time changed to 7:30 PM at the request of Ms. Rich.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Garf moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm and Ms. Rich seconded the motion. The Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.